The 10th of August marks a special day for Young People at Heart. That’s because on 10th August 2015, our first three carers transferred, with their young people, so that’s the day our incredible journey began.
The 10th of August marks a special day for Young People at Heart. That’s because on 10th August 2015, our first three carers transferred, with their young people, so that’s the day our incredible journey began.
With families stuck indoors and kids home from school children across the UK have been painting rainbows and placing them in windows for a number of weeks now to signal support for the NHS who have been working tirelessly on the frontline throughout the pandemic. The rainbows have served a practical function to give children a chance to flex …
Young People at Heart took a total of nearly 450 people to the Pantomime this year, comprising our young people, their foster families and support networks, staff and their families, and friends and supporters of the organisation to one of three Pantomimes around the country; Cinderella at the Cast Theatre in Doncaster, Dick Whittington at …
Following the succesful opening of Young People at Heart in Herefordshire in September, and in keeping with Young People at Heart’s tradition of inviting young people, foster carers, potential foster carers, staff and their families to the Pantomime, we took 75 people to the see Sleeping Beauty at the Courtyard Theatre in Hereford yesterday. Foster …
It was with great sadness that we learned that one of our foster carers, Linda Daniel, passed away unexpectedly over the weekend. Linda had been a foster carer for many years, and joined us from Time for Children two years ago. In a letter to staff and foster carers, Gary Cox, Founder of Young Peoiple …
Another two foster carers attended our Fostering Panel this evening. Both will transfer to us with placements after their 28 day notice period with their current Agency. Gary Cox, Founder of Young People at Heart, said how pleased he was that experienced foster carers were joining the organisation and he hoped that more people would apply …