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Sculpture Walk at Beechenhurst

Our Hereford Half Term event was a Sculpture walk around Beechenhurst forest. It was great to see so many smiling faces! We hope everyone enjoyed the walk as much as we did. Some of the sculptures are temporary, while others will last for years. They have all been designed to evolve over time as the …


Walk for Ukraine

Throughout April Young People at Heart’s staff team took part in a virtual walking challenge, Walk for Ukraine. The challenge was to collectively walk from the Essex Office to Independence Square in Kyiv, totalling 1,505 miles. Gary and Davina kindly agreed that Young People at Heart would donate £1,505 to the Ukraine appeal on completion …


Hoppy Easter

We really are enjoying being able to hold face to face events again. Our Easter Half term event for our Essex office was a great success. Our Young People came together for a fun filled afternoon where they decorated an Easter Bonnet before joining in an Easter Bonnet parade showing off their wonderful creations. Everybody …


PACE Training

March has been the month of PACE Training for Young People at Heart. PACE (Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity, Empathy) is a model of caring and parenting developed by Dan Hughes. It helps support and form secure attachments with children and young people who may have experienced difficulties in early life. By adopting the PACE model, the …


At last, our annual trip to the pantomime is resumed!

With Covid restrictions lifted there was no stopping us putting our Christmas jumpers on for Pantomime Season. Having missed our annual trip to the theatres last year we were so excited to be able to take all our staff, foster families, young people, and their support network to shout, cheer and sing along to the …


3 more for 3 years!

Over the last year we have awarded 3 more staff their 3-year Young People at Heart Bronze Award to recognise their commitment and loyalty to the organisation.  Gary and Davina are very grateful to the team for their continued hard work and the amazing support they provide our foster carers and young people!


A Fang-tastic Halloween

October Half Term was jam packed of Halloween Parties up and down the country. Starting in Essex there was our Essex Halloween Drop n Shop where we enjoyed lots of spooky fun!  We decorated pumpkins, did some painting, took part in a Halloween quiz, decorated biscuits, played musical statues and even turned each other into mummies …


Young People at Heart’s 6th Birthday party!

On the 4th September we celebrated our Young People at Heart 6th birthday! What a day that was! We were so thrilled to have everyone together and to be able to celebrate with everyone in real life, for lots of our new carers and staff that have joined us over the lockdown period it was a …


At long last a face to face event again!

We were so excited to be able to meet face to face again we put on 6 different picnics in the summer holidays! It was lovely to meet up and see all of our young people and foster families playing and having fun in real life! The young people enjoyed the play equipment at the …

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