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Preparing for Adoption

We have been Foster Carers for nearly 7 years and fostered children of many different ages. We have cared for two babies who have gone on to be adopted, and both experiences were very different. When the outcome of court is that children are going to be adopted, you have the hardest part in saying goodbye …


Mary’s Artistic Talents

For this week’s Feel Good Friday, we are celebrating the awe-inspiring creativity of one of our young people. Mary has an incredible eye for fine detail in art and crafts. She is currently working towards her Art GCSE and is excelling in her textiles in particular. Her love of the characters from Alice in Wonderland …


Supporting Our Young People

At Young People at Heart, each registration has Social Work Assistants who do a lot of behind-the-scenes work, which includes a number of things like organising our events, coffee mornings, arranging the welcome boxes, writing the newsletters, attending meetings, assisting the Supervising Social Workers and more. But it’s safe to say that the best part …


National Care Leavers Week

This feel-good Friday we are celebrating National Care leavers Week. An 18th Birthday is a celebration for most teenagers, but it can be a worrying time for the 10,000 young people in the UK leaving care who suddenly become independent. Before they can be independent, we need to give children in care opportunities to be …


Seven Years On

Kyle came to our foster carers having previously experienced a lot of placement moves along with having a high level of trauma-based behaviours. Through the commitment and resilience of his foster carers, Kyle has now been with his foster family for seven years, is able to manage his behaviours, self-regulate and has a sense of …


Young People at Heart’s 8th Birthday

Over the past month Young People at Heart has been celebrating it’s 8th birthday!! In doing so we have enjoyed a birthday event in each area with our Fostering families and staff teams. Each event was held at an outdoor activity centre and our young people had the chance to take part in several different …


A small box with a big impact!

Children being placed with us receive a welcome box when they arrive, this will usually contain a soft toy or worry monster, pad and pens, a blanket (handmade) and a children’s guide. I thought about welcome boxes this week as I worked with two children that have been placed with us in an emergency. The …


A Fostering Journey

As I look back on my fostering journey, I can remember the hopes and expectations that I once had. I was motivated to become a foster carer so that I could help a young person. I thought I could help make a child feel happy because of the home and opportunities that I could offer. …


Summer Holiday Achievements

As we are now in September and all of our young people are back at school, we have been thrilled to receive all the photographs of our children and young people looking so smart in their uniforms – there have been lots of ‘firsts’ to celebrate which have been lovely to hear about. This feel-good …

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