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Young person wins place on Royal Opera House program

Christie, daughter of one of our foster carer families,  has been offered a place on the Royal Opera House Purfleet Vocal Leader Programme. Christie was one of two pupils nominated by her music teacher at school. The nominees attended a group workshop where they were observed for their team work, leadership and communication skills and …


First foster carers in assessment for young people with disabilities

We are pleased to announce that our first foster carers able to offer a foster home to a young person with a disability have chosen to apply to Young People at Heart and will shortly commence their assessment process. They are booked into Panel in December. The couple have a fully accessible home with a …


Our first carer and young people event

Alison Lawes, our Young People’s Participation Officer, organised our first foster carer and young people’s event today, a picnic at King George’s Playing Field and Park at Brentwood. Despite a week full of rain, the sun shone as foster carers, looked after young people and birth children enjoyed meeting up with each other, playing together …


Great results in A Level, AS and GCSE exams

We were delighted to hear that, across the board, the birth children in our foster carer families achieved great results in their A level, AS and GCSE exams and are all able to continue with their chosen courses or move on to their preferred educational institutions. Des Walsh, Registered Manager at Young People at Heart, …


More foster carers attend Panel today

Another two foster carers attended our Fostering Panel this evening. Both will transfer to us with placements after their 28 day notice period with their current Agency. Gary Cox, Founder of Young People at Heart, said how pleased he was that experienced foster carers were joining the organisation and he hoped that more people would apply …

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