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Back to school!

Most schools re-open this week. 18 of our 19 young people in foster care with us attend school (one is still too young!) and all will receive support from our foster carers and staff who routinely attend LAC and PEP meetings. Good luck to two of our young people entering 6th Form Colleges, four moving …


Young people address Panel

In addition to three foster carer households attending Panel for their first annual reviews, 2 young people also came to Panel to talk about their experience of life in their foster carers’ home. After they had spoken, in thanking the young people, Panel Chair Dr. Andrea Warman said she felt it was very special to …


A visit to the Fire Station!

For one of the more eagerly awaited outings, this morning a group of young people, foster carers and staff went to the Essex Fire Museum in Grays to learn about fire safety and see historic fire engines and safety equipment. The highlights of the trip were undoubtedly spraying water from a fire hose attached to …


Outing to Coal House Fort

Young people, foster carer families and Young People at Heart staff enjoyed a day at Coal House Fort in Essex today. The historic fort, built in 1860, is set on the banks of the River Thames so everyone enjoyed a walk around the fort and along the river bank, followed by games and a picnic …


Congratulations to one of our young people!

One of our young people recently received two awards worthy of mention. He received a Chief Scout Silver Award, one of only 10 in the county to receive the honour and followed that up by winning the Athlete of the Year Award at school. Both are fantastic achievements. Well done young man!  


3 new foster carer families for Young People at Heart

3 foster carer families new to fostering from Chelmsford, Southend and Deal, (Young People at Heart’s first foster carer household in Kent), were recommended for approval as foster carers at the Young People at Heart fostering Panel held last night. Founder of Young People at Heart, Gary Cox, said he was delighted the new foster …


Ofsted inspection result – Rated ‘Good’

We are delighted to announce that, following our recent inspection, Young People at Heart have been rated as ‘Good’ by Ofsted in their report published today. Gary Cox, Founder and Chief Executive of Young People at Heart, said it was a wonderful achievement for a new agency to be rated ‘good’ and he thanked the …


Young Producers and a performing foster carer!

Three birth children from three of our foster families belong to the Young Producers group at the Thameside Theatre in Grays. As Young Producers, Franki (16), Mia (16) and Christie (12), plan, market and produce stage productions, on this occassion to celebrate the Lady Mayor of Thurrock’s year in office. Gary, Davina and Alison attended …


Training course held for birth children of foster carers

At the request of one of our foster carer’s birth children,  we held a ‘My Family Fosters’ training couse for sons and daughters of foster carers recently. The program was facilitated by Scott Winham whose Mum fostered when he was growing up, so he was able to bring real life experience to the program content. …

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