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First Panel Meeting held in Hereford

Saturday 14th October marked our first Fostering Panel held in Hereford. Panel members, lead by Panel Chair Dr. Andrea Warman, made it to Hereford from London by train, (despite the dreaded weekend engineering works at Reading!) to hold a Panel meeting in our Hereford office for three foster carer households. Following the Panel meeting, we …


Already recruiting a social worker and Form F assessors in Herefordshire!

Dave Bailey, Fostering Manager at our new Young People at Heart office in Hereford, has experienced an unprecedented amount of interest from foster carers wishing to transfer to Young People at Heart from a number of other fostering organisations in the region, as well as applications from people wishing to become foster carers. Dave said …


Young People at Heart comes to Herefordshire

A new chapter in Foster Care comes to Herefordshire and the surrounding areas that’s proudly not for profit and for Young people! Young People at Heart was founded by Gary and Davina Cox in September 2014 as a not-for-profit fostering organisation where outcomes for young people were paramount to the organisation and everyone associated with …


Young people’s activity day and achievement awards

Young people, foster carers and staff enjoyed a day of activities at Thriftwood Scout Camp in Brentwood yesterday to celebrate Young People at Heart’s second birthday, the anniversary of our first carers and young people joining the organisation. During the lunch break, Gary Cox who founded Young People at Heart with his wife Davina, presented …


A new chapter in the life story of Young People at Heart

Today marks an important day in the history of Young People at Heart as we officially open our second location, in the heart of Hereford. Gary Cox said he was delighted that Dave Bailey, an experienced fostering manager who previously worked for a venture capital backed fostering group, had accepted the challenge of bringing the …


Summer picnic

Today we held our summer picnic attended by young people, foster carer sand staff at Oaklands Park in Chelmsford. The large park contains an adventure playground that proved very popular with the young people and it is also home to the Chelmsford Museum, which offers a variety of exhibits, including a living beehive. Well worth …


Another two fostering households approved at Young People at Heart

Another two fostering households have been approved recently, bringing the total number of fostering households to 14. Gary Cox, Founder of Young People at Heart, said that he was delighted that both households were immigrants to the UK some years ago and, while they were fluent in English, their home languages were Portugese and Spanish …


Young People at Heart supports Mayor of Thurrock’s Charity Ball

Foster carers and staff of Young People at Heart enjoyed a night out at the Mayor of Thurrock’s Charity Ball at the Civic Hall this evening, held in aid of local charities. We enjoyed a wonderful meal, were entertained by the winners of the Starmaker talent competition for local young people and danced the night …


Welcome to our new Registered Manager, Doug Pearce

We are delighted to announce that Doug Pearce, our new Registered Manager, started with Young People at Heart today. Doug joins us from a Therapeutic Fostering organisation where he was also the Registered Manager. Gary Cox, Founder of Young People at Heart, said the appointment was a vitally important one because the person needed to …

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