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A walk in the Herefordshire countryside


About 40 of us, comprising foster children, foster families and staff from our Hereford office, enjoyed a lovey day out at Symonds Yat on the Herefordshire and Gloucestershire border today. We walked along the banks of the River Wye, crossing the unmarked border between England and Wales, and crossing back into England as we traversed a wood and rope bridge over the river, to enjoy a picnic and easter egg hunt together.

Dave Bailey, Manager of the Hereford office, said he was delighted how many foster carers and young people had attended the event. He said this was one of a number of planned activities for the region and these enabled foster children to get to know other young people in care, and foster carers could also spend time together and build their own friendship and contact groups.

Dave noted a number of achievments on our adventure, including that everyone enjoyed the exercise, walking in the fresh country air, and that fears about crossing the rope bridge were conquered! Well done Debbie!

We look forward to our next walk in June.

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