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Celebrating 30 Years of the National Literacy Trust at Clarence House


This week, I experienced the absolute privilege, of attending a garden party at Clarence House, hosted by Her Majesty The Queen. This was to celebrate 30 years of the National Literacy Trust, which Her Majesty is Patron of. I was chosen as a thank you, for my hard work to promote literacy for the children and young people we work with.

Just over 18 months ago, Young People at Heart, began an enjoyable and fulfilling working relationship, with the National Literacy Trust. I took the lead on this and became a Literacy Champion within the trust. This role entailed me taking on a volunteering role, at the National Literacy Trust and making sure all our children and young people, receive regular books for them to keep and enjoy reading. Once the relationship had been fully established in Doncaster, I then helped our social work assistants, from our other offices, to reach out to the Literacy Hubs in their areas and help them build a relationship the same as what we have in Yorkshire. This meant that every child and young person, within the Young People at Heart family, were all able to access beautiful books to read and share. This really has been fantastic for Young People at Heart, to do exactly ‘what it says on the tin’, so to speak and have our young people at heart!

The weather wasn’t kind to us however, it made the experience more exciting for me, as it was held inside Clarence House. I love a palace visit, so this was another one ticked off my list!

From start to finish, the day brought a huge mix of excitement, nerves and felt extremely surreal. Normal people don’t get to go the palace, right?

On arrival, we were escorted into a huge room, it was great to meet and speak to likeminded people, who promote literacy. There was a mix of famous authors, poets, illustrators and National Literacy Trust volunteers, like me. It was a fantastic opportunity to have a chat with some of these amazing people. I even got to talk to Lady Sarah Keswick, one of The Queen’s companions. She was so lovely and made me feel very relaxed. She asked where I was from and said she loves Yorkshire, it’s a truly beautiful place!

At the far end of the room, I caught a glimpse of Her Majesty. Not only did I get a glimpse, but I also actually got to meet her. Her majesty shook my hand and was very warm. The curtsying practise paid off, as I didn’t fall (thankfully). Her Majesty asked me why I had been invited and what was my day job. I reminded her of the letter I wrote her, back in February, along with our story Nimbus the Worry Monster. Her Majesty said she could recall, and it was lovely to put a face to a letter. I briefly spoke about Young People at Heart and showed her my bronze pin badge, which I had put on my handbag. Her majesty said it was charming, shook my hand and then moved on.

Wow! I met Her Majesty!

There were a few speeches to come next, followed by The Queen cutting the cake, before she waved and disappeared up the spiral staircase. On departing, we collected our phones and other belongings that weren’t allowed to be with us, along with a piece of cake.

This whole experience has been something, I shall never forget and am so thankful for my role here at Young People at Heart, as without it, I doubt I would have this amazing memory to cherish.

Debbie – Social Work Assistant

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